3 Reasons to Enrol Your Kid for Preschool


In the past, kids had challenges adapting to kindergarten life. But that has changed over time due to the introduction of preschools. Today, a significant percentage of parents enrol their kids in preschool programs. That helps the young ones to adapt to school life at a tender age. Taking your child to a preschool allows them to learn and retain some essential skills in their lives. So, if your kid is ready to start preschool, here are some of the reasons to enrol them in the program.

1. They Will Learn How to Follow Instructions

It is pretty frustrating when you keep repeating the same thing, and your kid keeps ignoring it. But what you might not know is that kids take time to learn how to follow instructions. One of the best ways to enable your child to follow instructions faster is by taking them to prekindergarten. 

In preschool, they will learn how to follow basic instructions like lining up during meal times and washing their hands before meals and after visiting the toilet. Then, as your child follows what they are taught in preschool, they will know how to obey adults and those in authority. 

2. They Will Develop Better Emotional and Social Skills

Preschool will also enable your kid to develop good social and emotional skills. While at the prekindergarten, they learn how to share items, show empathy, and control their emotions. These skills will go a long way in enabling the little one to relate better with their classmates and other people in society.

Furthermore, the caregivers teach the children how to behave when they lose something like their toys. Concentrating in class gives them the ability to control themselves in different situations.

3. They Will Perform Better in School

Taking your child to a preschool is an excellent way to boost their performance in school. In most cases, the kids who don't enrol in this program perform poorer than their peers in preschool. Typically, a preschool has a curriculum where the kids learn letters, sounds, colours, objects, shapes, numbers, counting and drawing. These basic cognitive skills will go a long way in making their learning at kindergarten a lot easier. 

If you are wondering whether or not to enrol your child in preschool, you have three reasons to consider the program. Taking your child to kindergarten is a chance for them to interact with their age mates, and it offers the three benefits above.


15 July 2021

Creating a fun and vibrant childcare

I'm always on the lookout for new and exciting resources to liven up my childcare education program. These days, it's important that children are always learning at childcare, but it's equally important that children have fun. I like to find topics that match up with the topics that my kids are passionate about. If they are obsessed with trains, then I'm going to make sure we do a whole program on trains to keep them engaged and interested. If you are also a childcare educator or teacher who is looking for new resources for education programs, then please keep reading.